A travers la respiration, accompagner vers une nouvelle conscience
Yoga integral

When mind, emotions and body are rooted in a harmonious breathing, they naturally blossom.
"I CHOOSE MY BREATHING" is a simple and efficient method. It is the result of a physiotherapist and yoga teacher practice of more than 15 years.
According to the science of the mastery of the breathe (pranayama), breathing is a central element for a human being and the functions of the body, the emotions and the mind organize around it. This is confirmed by the most recent scientific researches.
To have the capacity to choose how one breathe is to have the power to have a better health, to choose one's emotionnal and mental state.
Through a few explicationnal videos and guided exercices, you will be helped to develop awareness and mastery over your breath. You'll soon be able to feel the benefits in your daily life